Quality MaterialsSaving You Money

This is where you can find additional online materials for your textbook, as well as articles about the increasing costs of textbooks.

Help your students by selecting low cost quality materials. We can also help you create custom materials for your course. This includes textbooks, workbooks, lecture videos and software. Never again change editions unless you choose to.

Our team is familiar with campus bookstores and their needs. Most books are in stock and available for immediate shipment.

We are a student and faculty driven publishing solution. Textbook prices have become unsustainable, and it is not the authors who are benefiting. It is time for faculty to stop using over priced textbooks filled with extras and material they never plan to use.

One book at a time

Saving students money is easier than you think.

Our mission is to provide quality educational materials at a reasonable price. We work with faculty to develop custom materials which better fit their courses while simultaneously reduce the financial burden of educational costs on students. For more information on rising textbook costs click the "read more" button below.

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Our Textbooks

Here are some of the books we currently publish.


savings example

Students at Truckee Meadows CC have saved over 1 million dollars since their math department adopted our College Mathematics materials for their QL math course. Their students are provided with a textbook, lecture videos and homework software all for less than half the cost of the previous textbook they were using alone. You can imagine the savings if we included homework software or additional online resources in our calculations.